The Green Hornet | MKV | TS | 450Mb
Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles’ “The Daily Sentinel” after the sudden death of his father. Britt’s party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero “The Green Hornet”.
Release Group: T0XiC-iNK
Release Date: 2011-01-17
Source: TS
Size: 449 Mb
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Video: XviD | 720×306 | 1,495 Kbps
Audio: English | MP3 | 2 Channels | 256 Kbps
Subs: N/A
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Directed By: Michel Gondry
Starring: Seth Rogen | Jay Chou | Christoph Waltz
Siapa si yang ngga tau Film Harry Potter. Walaupun ada yang belum pernah nonton, pasti udah pernah denger kan?? Kebangetan deh kalau belum pernah denger. :D
Yups, di kesempatan kali ini ane mau share Movie Harry Potter yang judulnya "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
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Despite being no saint herself, Julia Cody has shielded her seventeen year old son, Joshua "J" Cody, from her Melbourne-based criminal relatives who they have not seen in years. After Julia dies in front of J's eyes from a self-inflicted heroin overdose, J, who is slightly detached from life, feels he has no choice but to contact his maternal grandmother, Janine "Smurf" Cody, the family matriarch, for a place to live. Smurf rules the family with a borderline incestuous love over her three sons, the quietly menacing Andrew "Pope" Cody, the hyperactive Craig Cody, and the barely of age Darren Cody. Pope and his best friend, Barry "Baz" Brown, are armed robbers, with Darren their up and coming apprentice, while Craig is a mid level drug dealer. Melbourne's Armed Robbery Squad is after specifically Pope, who is hiding out. But when the standoff between the Codys and the Armed Robbery Squad is brought up a notch
Sinopsis Indonesia
Meskipun tidak suci dirinya, Julia Cody telah terlindung tujuh belas tahun putranya tua, Yosua "J" Cody, dari kerabat yang berbasis di Melbourne itu pidana yang mereka
After a mysterious malfunction sends their small plane climbing out of control, a rookie pilot and her four teenage friends find themselves trapped in a deadly showdown with a supernatural force.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Setelah kerusakan misterius mengirimkan pesawat kecil mereka memanjat di luar kendali, seorang pilot pemula dan empat temannya remaja menemukan diri mereka terjebak dalam pertikaian mematikan dengan kekuatan supranatural.
A glimpse at the life of French singer Serge Gainsbourg, from growing up in 1940s Nazi-occupied Paris through his successful song-writing years in the 1960s to his death in 1991 at the age of 62.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sekilas di kehidupan penyanyi Prancis Serge Gainsbourg, dari tumbuh di tahun 1940 Paris diduduki Nazi-tahun yang sukses melalui lagunya-menulis pada 1960-an sampai kematiannya pada tahun 1991 pada usia 62.
Release Date: 20 January 2010
Genre: Biography | Drama | Music
Cast: Eric Elmosnino, Laetitia Casta, Anna Mouglalis
Quality: BDRip
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi
Cast: Jon Bernthal, Jeffrey DeMunn, Laurie Holden, Andrew Lincoln, Derrick McLeod, Adam Minarovich, Chandler Riggs
Credit/source From
Luke welcomes his friend Matt and his girlfriend Suzie that come from London and Matt's sister and Luke's former girlfriend Kate that comes from Sydney to sail with him and the sailor Warren in a sailboat. However, the vessel hits an underwater rock and capsizes with an opening on her bottom. Luke advises that they should swim in the north direction to reach the Turtle Island, in Queensland, Australia, while they have strength since there is a current moving the boat in the opposite direction of land but Warren prefers to stay on the hull waiting for help since there are sharks in the water. The quartet swims, but they are hunted by a great white shark
Sinopsis Indonesia
Luke menyambut temannya Matt dan Suzie pacarnya yang berasal dari kakak London dan Matt dan Lukas mantan pacar Kate yang berasal dari Sydney untuk berlayar dengan dia dan Warren pelaut dalam perahu layar. Namun, kapal hits batuan di bawah air dan capsizes dengan pembukaan di bawahnya. Lukas menyarankan bahwa mereka harus berenang ke arah utara untuk mencapai Pulau Penyu, di Queensland, Australia, sementara mereka memiliki kekuatan karena ada arus perahu bergerak dalam arah yang berlawanan dari tanah tetapi Warren lebih suka tinggal di lambung menunggu bantuan karena ada hiu di dalam air. Para berenang kuartet, tetapi mereka diburu oleh hiu putih besar
A group of high school students are sent to after-school Detention for unexplained reasons. There, the teenagers find themselves abandoned and locked in the classroom after their detention teacher leaves, then mysteriously disappears. With night slowly approaching, a thunder storm builds outside. The heavy rain and lightning causes a massive power failure throwing the school into total darkness. Then, strange, haunting images of Ghosts begin to appear in the school. The kids manage to break out of the classroom only to find that the old building has taken on a life of its own, keeping them trapped inside. As they struggle to escape, the teenagers learn about the death of a student back in the 1970's. Slowly, they unravel the history of this tragedy and that they are somehow connected to the student's macabre and untimely death. They will also soon find out that they are being held responsible for this horrific event of the past, and will pay for it with their lives!
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sekelompok siswa SMA dikirim ke Penahanan setelah-sekolah untuk alasan yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Di sana, para remaja menemukan diri mereka ditinggalkan dan terkunci di dalam kelas setelah daun penahanan guru mereka, kemudian menghilang secara misterius. Dengan perlahan-lahan mendekati malam, badai guntur
Inspired by actual events, JUNKYARD DOG is a gritty psychological-horror-thriller that delves the demented mind of a cannibalistic serial rapist who kidnaps his tenth victim in as many months on Halloween night. Filmed on location in Tennessee, JUNKYARD DOG tells the terror-filled tale of Audra Buckman, a nineteen year-old college co-ed, trapped in a month-long nightmare, struggling to stay alive and uneaten while being held captive, left half-starved and repeatedly savaged by JYD, an oddly charismatic, vicious man-eating monster. Audra's only hope of escape from this hell--and the mouth of a madman--is Samantha Deatherage, a tough FBI agent who is sent on a solo assignment to search for the missing girl.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Terinspirasi oleh peristiwa-peristiwa aktual, Junkyard DOG adalah psikologis berpasir-horor-thriller yang menggali pikiran gila seorang pemerkosa serial kanibalisme yang menculik korban kesepuluh di bulan banyak pada malam Halloween. Lokasi syuting di Tennessee, tempat barang rongsokan DOG menceritakan kisah teror yang penuh Audra Buckman, sebuah sembilan belas tahun college co-ed, terjebak dalam mimpi buruk selama sebulan,
berjuang untuk tetap hidup dan dimakan sambil ditawan, kiri setengah kelaparan dan berulang kali savaged oleh JYD, sebuah rakasa, anehnya karismatik pemakan manusia setan. Audra's satunya harapan untuk melarikan diri dari neraka ini - dan mulut orang gila - adalah Samantha Deatherage, seorang agen FBI tangguh yang diutus pada tugas solo untuk mencari gadis yang hilang.
Size: 698.534 MB | Language: English | Subtitles: N/A
Genre:Thriller | Director: Kim Bass
Starring: Vivica A. Fox, Innis Casey, Brad Dourif, John Kapelos
Credit/source From
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications
Sinopsis Indonesia
Pada malam musim gugur tahun 2003, Harvard undergrad dan pemrograman komputer jenius Mark Zuckerberg duduk di depan komputer dan panas mulai bekerja pada sebuah ide baru. Dalam kemarahan blogging dan pemrograman, apa yang dimulai di kamar asramanya segera menjadi jaringan sosial global dan sebuah revolusi dalam komunikasi. A hanya enam tahun dan 500 juta teman-teman kemudian, Mark Zuckerberg adalah miliarder termuda dalam sejarah ... tetapi untuk pengusaha ini, sukses mengarah ke baik komplikasi pribadi dan hukum
Sarah Tyler returns to her troubled family home in the isolated countryside, for a much put-off visit. As a storm rages outside, Sarah, her family and friends shore up for the night, cut off from the outside world. But something comes out of the driving rain and darkness. Something that holds a dark secret so devastating that, in one night, it could wipe out the entire family.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Tyler Sarah kembali ke rumah keluarga bermasalah di pedesaan terpencil, untuk kunjungan ditaruh lebih-off. Sebagai badai mengamuk di luar, Sarah, keluarga dan teman-temannya menopang untuk malam, terputus dari dunia luar. Tapi ada sesuatu yang keluar dari hujan lebat dan kegelapan. Sesuatu yang memegang rahasia gelap begitu parah itu, dalam satu malam, bisa menghapus seluruh keluarga
A polar station on a desolate island in the Arctic Ocean. Sergei, a seasoned meteorologist, and Pavel, a recent college graduate, are spending months in complete isolation on the once strategic research base. Pavel receives an important radio message and is still trying to find the right moment to tell Sergei, when fear, lies and suspicions start poisoning the atmosphere...
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah stasiun kutub di sebuah pulau terpencil di Samudra Arktik. Sergei, seorang ahli meteorologi berpengalaman, dan Pavel, seorang lulusan perguruan tinggi, yang menghabiskan bulan di isolasi lengkap mengenai dasar penelitian sekali strategis. Pavel menerima pesan radio yang penting dan masih mencoba mencari saat yang tepat untuk memberitahu Sergei, ketika rasa takut, kebohongan dan kecurigaan mulai keracunan atmosfer
Having reviewed Fukuda's forgettable Tokyo Gore School a short while ago, it seems as though I'm quickly being familiarised with the Japanese film-maker's career as a director, which is still in its infancy. While Tokyo Gore School had some nice ideas, they never really gelled and so the film didn't take form, but with Death Tube, Fukuda showcases his increasing skills in a film that's a vastly improved upon effort.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Setelah ditinjau dilupakan Gore Fukuda di Tokyo School beberapa saat yang lalu, tampaknya seolah aku cepat menjadi akrab dengan karir pembuat film-Jepang sebagai direktur, yang masih dalam masa pertumbuhan. Sementara Tokyo Gore Sekolah punya beberapa ide yang bagus, mereka tidak pernah benar-benar gel dan sehingga film tidak berbentuk, tetapi dengan Kematian Tube, Fukuda menampilkan peningkatan keterampilan dalam film itu adalah jauh lebih baik atas usaha.
A limo driver's blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal, friendship, and grace centered around two working-class New York City couples.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Kencan buta Seorang pengemudi limusin's percikan kisah cinta, pengkhianatan, persahabatan, dan kasih karunia berpusat sekitar dua kelas pekerja pasangan New York City.
Release Date: 23 September 2010
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Ryan and John Ortiz
Quality: DVDRip
Subtitle: English
Semua bergumul di facebook.
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Luna gelisah. Bimbang. Ia sudah harus menikah atas permintaan ibunya. Celakanya ia dirundung keraguan yang hebat pada kekasih yang sudah tiga tahun pacaran dengannya. Sang kekasih, Reno, makin memperlihatkan perbedaan sikap yang sangat mengganggu Luna. Reno, mahasiswa yang slebor, semau gue, eksentrik dan terkesan sarkartis. Sementara Luna dengan keanggunan dan kesantunannya seperti bumi dan langit dengan Reno. Luna yang sudah lulus dan punya karier bagus, mulai menimbang-nimbang, sepertinya dia tak berjodoh dengan Reno.
Jackie Chan is the undefeated Kung Fu Master who dishes out the action in traditional Jackie Chan style. When a young boy sets out to learn how to fight from the Master himself, he not only witnesses some spectacular fights, but learns some important life lessons along the way.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Jackie Chan adalah Kung Fu terkalahkan Guru yang piring dari tindakan di tradisional gaya Jackie Chan. Ketika seorang anak muda menetapkan untuk belajar bagaimana untuk melawan dari Guru sendiri, ia tidak saksi hanya beberapa perkelahian yang spektakuler, tapi belajar beberapa pelajaran kehidupan yang penting di sepanjang jalan.
China is plunged into strife as feuding warlords try to expand their power by warring over neighboring lands. Fuelled by his success on the battlefield, young and arrogant Hao Jie sneers at Shaolin's masters when he beats one of them in a duel. But the pride comes before a fall. When his own family is wiped out by a rival warlord, Hao is forced to take refuge with the monks. As the civil unrest spreads and the people suffer, Hao and the Shaolin masters are forced to take a fiery stand against the evil warlords. They launch a daring plan or rescue and escape.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Cina terjun ke perselisihan sebagai panglima perang bermusuhan mencoba untuk memperluas kekuasaan mereka dengan berperang atas tanah tetangga. Dipicu oleh kesuksesannya di medan perang, muda dan sombong Hao Jie menyeringai di master Shaolin ketika ia mengalahkan salah satu dari mereka dalam duel. Tapi kebanggaan datang sebelum jatuh. Ketika keluarganya sendiri yang dihapus oleh seorang panglima perang saingannya, Hao terpaksa berlindung dengan para biarawan. Sebagai menyebar kerusuhan sipil dan orang-orang menderita, Hao dan master Shaolin dipaksa untuk mengambil sikap berapi-api terhadap para panglima perang jahat. Mereka memulai rencana berani atau menyelamatkan dan melarikan diri.
Release Date: 20 January 2011
Genre: Action | Drama
Cast: Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Bingbing Fan
Quality: TS
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Scientists discover a giant creature under the Earth that is wrapped around the entire planet. When the creature wakes all grumpy, it causes worldwide destruction.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Para ilmuwan menemukan makhluk raksasa di bawah bumi yang melilit seluruh planet. Ketika terbangun semua makhluk pemarah, itu menyebabkan kerusakan di seluruh dunia.
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Sci-Fi
Cast: Nafisa Ali, Emma Brown, Bobby Deol
Quality: TVRip
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Andie (Vino G. Bastian), Girls (Revalina S. Temat) and Hans (Andhika Pratt). They are a true friend and each promised to keep each other but love each other. Andie chance to get a scholarship to go college to Germany
The two friends (girls and Hans) went looking for her to convey the good news, but it turns out the way they got the disaster and the host vehicle were damaged. The rain was so heavy, Hans plan a accursed deeds and must accept the consequences Andie girl who has long loved the girl to take over this responsibility despite losing Andie his future with the release of college scholarships in Germany.
But Hans came back and wanted to snatch girl. As a true friend, Andi girl thinking more about happiness, which is in the thought is to protect the Companions as well as his wife by hiding his meeting with Hans. The longer a girl realize how much love Andie, but time can not wait for their happiness. Will they come true happiness? One Hour Only
Edmund Pevensie (Skandar Keynes) dan Lucy Pevensie (Georgie Henley) kembali harus berurusan dengan negeri dongeng saat secara tidak sengaja sebuah lukisan tiba-tiba saja membawa mereka kembali ke negeri Narnia. Sepertinya kedatangan dua bersaudara ini juga diharapkan oleh warga Narnia karena negeri ini sedang menghadapi masalah besar dan bantuan Pevensie bersaudara jelas akan diperlukan.
Saat sedang melihat-lihat sebuah lukisan, tiba-tiba saja lukisan ini hidup dan menelan Edmund dan Lucy. Bukan hanya mereka berdua, Eustace Scrubb (Will Poulter) pun ikut terbawa ke negeri Narnia. Mereka masuk ke negeri dongeng ini dan kembali bertemu dengan Caspian (Ben Barnes) yang kini telah menjadi raja dan sedang dalam perjalanan mencari tujuh orang bangsawan yang hilang.
Petualangan berawal di Lone Island dan berlanjut hingga ke ujung dunia. Dalam petualangan ini, banyak yang terjadi dan salah satunya adalah saat Eustace berubah menjadi naga karena kesalahannya. Berhasilkah mereka menemukan ketujuh bangsawan yang hilang ini? Atau perjalanan kali ini tak akan membawa hasil apapun?
Release Date: 10 December 2010
Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy
Cast: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes
Quality: TS v2
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, looks into his father's disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 20 years. Along with Kevin's loyal confidant, father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sam Flynn, anak 27 tahun tech-savvy Kevin Flynn, melihat ke dalam hilangnya ayahnya dan menemukan dirinya ditarik ke dunia yang sama program sengit dan permainan gladiator di mana ayahnya telah tinggal selama 20 tahun. Seiring dengan setia ayah Kevin, kepercayaan dan anak memulai perjalanan hidup dan mati di alam semesta cyber visual-menakjubkan yang telah menjadi jauh lebih maju dan sangat berbahaya.
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Siapa si yang ngga tau Film Harry Potter. Walaupun ada yang belum pernah nonton, pasti udah pernah denger kan?? Kebangetan deh kalau belum pernah denger. :D
Yups, di kesempatan kali ini ane mau share Movie Harry Potter yang judulnya "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
The Green Hornet | MKV | TS | 450Mb
Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles’ “The Daily Sentinel” after the sudden death of his father. Britt’s party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero “The Green Hornet”.
Release Group: T0XiC-iNK
Release Date: 2011-01-17
Source: TS
Size: 449 Mb
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Video: XviD | 720×306 | 1,495 Kbps
Audio: English | MP3 | 2 Channels | 256 Kbps
Subs: N/A
IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Directed By: Michel Gondry
Starring: Seth Rogen | Jay Chou | Christoph Waltz
With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
faces pressure from the government, the press, and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention,
Stark, along with Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow),
and James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle) at his side,
must forge new alliances -- and confront powerful enemies. Source | NFO | IMDb | Screenshot |
Dark Island (2010) DVDRip XviD-DMZ
English | 86 Min | 624 x 352 | XviD 1121Kbps | 25.000fps | DVDrip | MP3 - 48KHz | 700 MB
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
The Altracorp Corporation uses Mare island as a testing ground for biological weapons, but the research team loses control of the experiments and disappears. A rescue team formed by Raymond Hua, Rachel Gant, Doctor Sophie Miller, Allen and Will Cain depart from Stillwater, British Columbia, to the island. When they arrive, they find one survivor, Mitchell, infected by the experiment and a deadly black smoke has been unleashed threatening them. When they return to the beach, they find that their vessel has disappeared and they are trapped in the remote island.
The LXD [The Legion Of Extraordinary Dancers] (2010) DVDRip XviD - SPRiNTER
"The Uprising Begins"
English | 1 hr 21 min | 640x272 | 701 MB
AVI | XViD 1024 Kbps | 23.976 fps | MP3 2 channels @ 160 Kbps | 48 kHz
Starring: Jon M. Chu, Hieu Ho, Ryan Landels, Scott Speer
Genre: Dance | Musical
This amazing adventure features some of the world’s best dancers. There’s high school outcast Trevor Drift (Luis “Luigi” Rosado) uncovering his family’s dangerous secret, fallen soldier Sp3cimen (Chadd “Madd Chadd” Smith) running from his dark past, and unassuming hero Elliot Hoo (Glee’s Harry Shum Jr.) who is haunted by newly discovered supernatural gifts. All are called to fulfill their destiny and join The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers. The Uprising Begins showcases the unbelievable flips, spins and twists that have already made The LXD a pop cultural phenomenon.
Plot: Kung Fu Master follows Tan Zong, one of the greatest kung fu experts on the face of the Earth in the midst of what looks like feudal China. He’s just been offered a new job, as the drillmaster of the Grand Commandant. But since Tan Zong is a Buddhist, he’s not too interested in making ultrapowerful soldiers, so he intends to refuse the Grand Commandant’s offer. The Grand Commandant, meanwhile, isn’t the type to take no for an answer, and as such, he plans a warm welcome for Tan Zong. Thus, in order to refuse the Grand Commandant’s offer honorably, he’ll have to fight his way through a swarm of attackers to reach his goal and defeat a host of villainous kung fu masters to protect his people.
Diana (Dewi Persik) dan Gugun (Indra L Bruggman) adalah pasangan pengantin yang baru saja menempati rumah baru mereka yang nyaman. Diana sedang hamil muda. Mereka pun sibuk mencari berbagai perabotan untuk mengisi rumah mereka Salah satunya adalah ranjang. Tetangga baru mereka, Lisye (Ayu Dewi) dan keponakannya Ling Ling (Zuzana Chang) menawarkan ranjang di toko furniture mereka. Kebetulan Lisye baru mendapatkan lelang kasur dari sebuah kost.
Ketika Diana berkunjung, entah kenapa, salah satu ranjang di dalam toko tersebut seakan bernafas dan hidup, merayu Diana untuk memilih dirinya. Ketika ranjang tersebut dibawa pulang, terjadi berbagai peristiwa aneh, yang tidak saja membahayakan kelanggengan perkawinan Diana dan Gugun, tapi juga membahayakan nyawa mereka.
After experiencing what they think are a series of ?break-ins?, a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem. Complete Name……………: As Good As Dead
Format………………….: Matroska
File size……………….: 400 MB
Duration………………..: 1h 31mn
Overall bit rate…………: 610 Kbps
Resolution………………: 688 x 368 pixels
Frame rate………………: 23.976 fpsAudio…………………..: AAC 48000KHz
Audio Language…………..: English
Source………………….: As.Good.As.Dead.2010.DVDRip.XviD.AC3-BULL
[iMDB RATING]:…………..: 4.8/10
PLOT: Seeking revenge for the murder of their religious leader, fundamental loyalists kidnap and torture the man they believe responsible, but the ensuing clash of right vs. left ideologies quickly reveals that they may have the wrong man, which puts them on a path toward a shocking twist.
Plot : Mitchie Torres (Demi Lovato) cannot wait to return to Camp Rock so that she and rock stars Shane Gray
(Joe Jonas), Nate (Nick Jonas) and Jason (Kevin Jonas) can spend the summer making music and having fun with their friends.
Notes : Would have had this a few days ago but couldnt be asked to encode it till i saw a shitty rip by MAGNET
ive kept the audio as ac3 5.1 as some people download this for there kids they will blow the speakers
out with the music.
The story, set in 1999, is told in flashback form: in June 1974 a federal justice agent, Benjamín Espósito, becomes spellbound by and subsequently entangled in the investigation of the crime of a young woman, brutally raped and murdered inside her house in a Buenos Aires neighbourhood. Her widowed husband, bank employee Ricardo Morales, is shocked by the news; Espósito vows to find the killer and bring him to justice. In his ordeal he is aided by his alcoholic assistent Pablo Sandoval and a newcomer, the upper class lawyer Irene Menéndez-Hastings, who takes over as department chief. Espósito's rivaling partner Romano pins the murder on two immigrant workers so as to get rid of the matter - an issue that enrages Espósito, who attacks Romano in a fury. He finds a tip soon enough while looking over some old pictures provided by Morales: he comes across a dubious young man - identified as Isidoro Gómez - who looks at the victim in a suspicious way in several photos. Espósito investigates the whereabouts of Gómez, and determines that he is living and working in Buenos Aires, but fails to locate him.
Directors: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Writers: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Genre: Comedy
A spoof of vampire-themed movies, where teenager Becca finds herself torn between two boys. As she and her friends wrestle with a number of different dramas, everything comes to a head at their prom.
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Maria Ozawa, seorang bintang iklan ternama di Jepang mendapat tugas untuk memberikan hadiah pemenang kuis langsung ke Jakarta. Rencana keberangkatan Maria ini ia tulis di blog pribadinya, yang ternyata dibaca oleh tiga anak muda Kevin, Bimo dan Aan. Berita ini membuat Bimo dan Aan semangat dan memaksa Kevin untuk menjemput Maria di bandara. Kevin yang sedang lesu karena diancam Mike, untuk menjauhi Jessica, gadis yang sudah ia cintai sejak ia TK, akhirnya menurut untuk pergi melihat Maria secara langsungNamun gara-gara ramainya para penggemar Maria di bandara, terjadi kekacauan. Seorang gadis Taiwan, Mie Yao Bie, disangka Miyabi. Alhasil gadis itu dikejar-kejar dan Aan yang ingin menjadi pahlawan di mata Maria, memaksa Kevin dan Bimo “menyelamatkan” Mie Yao Bie dari kejaran penggemar.
Flipped 2010 BRRip – 400MB – DiViSiON
Plot Outline:
Two eighth graders start to have feelings for each other despite being total opposites. Based on the novel “Flipped” by Wendelin Van Draanen.
[TITLE]:……………………[ Flipped
[YEAR] :……………………[ 2010
[FORMAT]:…………………..[ Matroska
[GENRE]:……………………[ Comedy | Drama | Romance
[NO OF CDs]…………………[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:……………….[ 840X352
[FILE SIZE]:………………..[ 400MB
[LANGUAGE ]:………………..[ English
[SUBTITLES]:………………..[ N/A
Pengantin Pantai Biru (2010) VCDRip
Release Date:23 September 2010 (Indonesia)
Genre: Horror
Pemain: Catherine Wilson, Keith Foo, Uli Auliani, Cynthiara Alona, Debby Ayu
Quality: VCDRip
Sinopsis: Ryan (Keith Foo), Naomy (Uli Auliani), Amel (Debby Ayu), Jazzy (Cynthiara Alona), Jojo (Fendi Trihartanto) dan Gathan (Yoga Hoebnerj) mengunjungi sebuah pantai terpencil namun dikenal indah disebuah desa pedalaman yang masih tradisional, dimana masyarakatnya masih sangat percaya dengan hal-hal berbau mistik. Solikum (Toro Margen), lelaki tua penjaga penginapan memperingatkan mereka untuk berhati-hati terhadap makhluk gaib yang berkeliaran disekitar pantai dan hutan
Pada saat Ryan dan teman-temannya bersuka ria dipantai, Amel tanpa sengaja memotret sosok wanita bergaun pengantin. Solikum meyakinkan mereka bahwa wanita tersebut adalah Dedemit Samber nyawa, namun Amel dan Naomy tidak percaya
Satu persatu dari menghilang bahkan tewas. Yang tertinggal hanya Naomy, Ryan dan Maya yang yakin bahw ateman-teman mereka tewas bukan dibunuh oleh dedemit samber nyawa. Asumsi ini diperkuat oleh fakta bahwa Maya mengenali wanita itu sebagai Emily (Chaterine Wilson), kakaknya yang hilang saat berbulan madu
The film centers on a contemporary married couple, charting their evolution over a span of years by cross-cutting between time periods.
Release Group: FooKaS (p2p)
Release Date: 2011-01-17
Filename: Blue Valentine SCRRip Xvid AC3 – FooKaS.avi
Size: 1.37 GB
Genre: Drama | Romance
Video: XviD | 720×416 | 1,294 Kbps
Audio: English | AC3 | 6 Channels | 448 Kbps
Subs: N/A
Gullivers Travels (2010)
Adventure | Comedy | FantasyTravel writer Lemuel Gulliver takes an assignment in Bermuda, but ends up on the island of Liliput, where he towers over its tiny citizens.
IMDB Rating : 4.6/10
Director: Rob Letterman
Writers: Joe Stillman (screenplay), Nicholas Stoller (screenplay)
Stars: Jack Black, Emily Blunt and Jason Segel
Release Name : Gullivers Travels (2010) TS [400MB] Jcberry526
Soucre Name : Gullivers Travels 2010 TS READNFO XviD - iLLUSiON (Kingdom-Release) [Thanks!]
Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It's a job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor and close friend Harry (Donald Sutherland) is murdered, Bishop is anything but detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants those responsible dead. His mission grows complicated when Harry's son Steve (Ben Foster) approaches him with the same vengeful goal and a determination to learn Bishop's trade. Bishop has always acted alone but he can't turn his back on Harry's son. A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves.
Movie Info:
IMDB Rating: 7.5
Release Date: 28 January 2011
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller
Cast: Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald Sutherland
Quality: Cam
Size: 350MB
free download The Mechanic (2011) movie download The Mechanic (2011) free movie
PLOT: Natalie is a masterpiece sculpture depicting beauty of a woman. The identity of the woman depicted in the sculpture is unknown. "Natalie" is then presented to the public at an art exhibition held by sculptor Hwang Jun-Hyuk (Lee Sung-Jae). On the last day of the exhibition Jun-Hyuk tells art critic Jang Min-Woo (Kim Ji-Hun) about a passionate affair with modern dance student Oh Mi-Ran (Park Hyun-Jin). Art critic Min-Woo tells Jun-Hyuk that Mi-Ran loves him. Jun-Hyuk and Min-Woo have different memories surrounding Mi-Ran and they begin to unveil the secret surrounding her.
Genre: Romance / Drama
Language: KoreanSubtitle: NONE
Size: 1.40GB Cast
Lee Seong-jae 이성재 As Joon-hyeok (준혁)
Kim Ji-hoon-I 김지훈 As Min-woo (민우)
Yeon-woo Hyeon-jin 연우현진 As Mi-ran (미란)
Kim Gi-yeon-I 김기연 As Park Hyo-rim (박효림)
Kim Eun-kyeong (김은경) As Ballerina ( 무용출연)
Kang Jin-joo (강진주) As Ballerina (무용출연)
Karena permasalahan keluarga, May (16 tahun), melarikan diri dari rumah. Dalam pelariannya May bertemu dengan Shasi, bahkan May diizinkan untuk tinggal di rumah kontrakannya bersama dengan seorang gadis bernama Andhara yang berprofesi sebagai bartender di sebuah Club. Persahabatan mereka bertiga semakin kuat, walaupun ternyata Shasi adalah seorang mucikari gadis-gadis SMU, ia sangat menghargai dan mendukung cita-cita May sebagai penari. Shasi memperkenalkan May kepada Dessy, penari proffesional, Andhara selalu memberikan perhatian yang berlebihan untuk May, ternyata Andhara mulai menyukai May Demi mencari uang untuk pengobatan ibunya, May bekerja sebagai penari di Club tempat Andhara bekerja. Hingga suatu ketika terjadi perkelahian antara Andhara dan pria yang melecehkan May. Ditengah keributan itu Rangga membantu Andhara dan May
Sebuah kompleks di tengah kampung mengalami kepanikan ketika muncul isyu bahwa ada Pocong yang muncul setiap malam, mengetuk setiap pintu dari rumah ke rumah. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah pada berbagai pihak. Pak JAMAL (Indra Birowo) dan Istrinya, ASTRID (Indah Kalalo) marah karena rumah-rumah dalam kompleks tidak laku mereka jual. Sementara jadwal affair pak Jamal dan tetangganya, BARBARA (CATHERINE WILSON) pun jadi kacau balau. Ada pula Rommy dan Angel pasangan baru di kompleks yang terus menerus gagal menikmati malam pertama karena takut didatangi pocong. Selain itu, sejumlah orang juga mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari heboh pocong keliling tersebut. MONIQUE, reporter tivi, dan kameramannya yang setia, AKBAR, berjuang meliput berita dan mendapatkan gambar pocong secara live, karena itu satu-satunya cara agar mereka berdua tidak dipecat. Terakhir, muncul pasangan pencuri konyol, BOMBAY dan ASBUN, yang mencoba dengan berbagai cara mengambil keuntungan dari situasi heboh tersebut.
Pemain :
Chaterine Wilson
Indah Kalalo
Indra Wibowo
Eric Scada